How to Create a Member-Only Page Using Kajabi

Are you searching for a way to share exclusive member-only content without using one of your products on Kajabi? Look no further – you're in the right place. Whether you're reserving your course products for more elaborate content or simply seeking a secure way to share an offer, creating a member-only page is the perfect solution.

How Does it Work?

The member-only page feature locks a specific website page on Kajabi, making it visible only to those who've created an account with you – either through granted access or a purchase. The idea is to prevent your valuable content from being shared or easily searchable. Previously, securing your content meant creating a course product. Now, you have the flexibility to choose which pages on your site are public or exclusively for members.

The Drawback

While this feature is fantastic, there's one consideration. All members gain access to this page, so it's essential to be mindful of who you want to share this exclusive content with and how you distribute your link. Avoid making it public to everyone by refraining from adding it to your site navigation or sending it in a public email blast to all members.

Kajabi Members only page

How to Create a Member-Only Page

Creating a member-only page on your Kajabi Website is straightforward:

  • Login to your Kajabi Dashboard.

  • Navigate to 'Websites' and then 'Website Pages' (this feature is exclusive to website pages).

  • Click 'Create a New Website Page' or scroll to an existing page.

  • Click on the three dots of your website page and select 'Edit details'.

  • Under General settings, toggle on 'Member Visibility'.

  • Voila! You've created a member-only page. Now you can add your exclusive content, knowing that only members can access this page.

Sharing Your Member-Only Page

By offering a private member-only page, you provide your audience with something special – a sense of exclusivity and belonging. This leads to increased engagement, loyalty, and satisfaction.

Here's how to share your member-only page privately:

Automated Email: Add the link to a Ghost Offer, sending the email only to those who've made a purchase. Ensure they create their password on the checkout page.

Email Sequence: If you have an email sequence dedicated to this offer, add the link to the first email and set it to send immediately.

After Purchase: Redirect users to a custom thank-you page after purchase and include the link there.

Member-Only Navigation: Add the link to your navigation, ensuring only members can view this page.

Now, you can amplify the value you offer without upgrading your Kajabi account. For more tips on maximizing your Kajabi experience, subscribe to my weekly newsletter today.

by Christina M Hooper

Christina is the founder of CMH & Company where she supporting coaches and services based business through design and business strategy. She is an advocate for simplifying business and creating your own path to wealth.


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